This is the home page of the MIT Shakespeare Ensemble Wiki.
Read "Rules" and see "Example" under wiki information before you edit any of the pages. Also, see "Glossary" for reference. Thank you!
Ensemble Locker
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The "JobGuide" contains information that still needs to be transferred to the wiki.
Action Items
1. Someone who has been a Producer should look over Producer page. The content from the locker has already been transferred over, but some parts of the article are still sparse.
2. The Webmaster page needs to be updated and the "Wiki information" page needs to be updated.
3. Update Set Designer.
4. Update Sound Designer.
5. Update Costume Designer.
6. Update other production positions.
1. Lighting Designer: Where do we buy gels?
2. TD: What is fire code with regards to audience aisles/railing?