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GR3 - Paper Prototyping
Prototype photos

Scenario Tasks
User 1.
- Add button pressed before typing in activity
- Clicked plan before adding constraints. It was unclear to him that he needed to add constraints before planning.
- On the final schedule page, he wanted to click on an activity to edit constraints
- Constraints = property of activity; (find a better word for constraints)
- When he pressed the constraints button, he expected ALL constraints to appear.
- Unsure which constraint to change in the morning. He tried to change the breakfast constraint instead of the start time constraint
User 2.
- Wanted to add time to activity instead of constraints
- Tried pressing Add button before typing activity. Pressed Edit (which doesn't do anything)
- Didn't know how to add constraint. Couldn't find the + button.
- Tried to use the + button to add new activity
- Wants a way to save constraints. Confused that when she selects a constraint to add, it jumps back to previous page (added constraints) instead of staying in the list of possible constraints.
- When wake up late, tried to press the breakfast activity and expected to go to the constraint window for the breakfast activity.
- Wants an explicit button that says "running late?" or "replan"
- On the constraints page, she wants to see the time the activity is currently planned to happen
- Titles of pages confusing. Activity vs Constraint as titles
- Did not add trip name
- Added "Wake Up" as an activity
User 3.
- Pressed Add before typing in activity
- Added all activities before adding constraints. Added a "Wake Up" activity
- Had a hard time finding how to add activity constraints.
- He expected the order in which he added the events to be the even
- He did not constrain the "Wake Up" activity, so it showed up last. Then he dragged the "Wake Up" activity to the top of the schedule.
- Changed start of Wake Up time to 9:30 directly on the schedule and wanted the rest of the schedule to update using this information (push everything else down).
- It is not obvious what to word "constraint means
- Wanted to be able to add events (ie "wake up") that doesn't have a duration
- Individual constraints (used the most) should be the default instead of having to switch from global
- Unclear what "global" and "individual" means.
- change the + button
- better words for "Global", "Individual", and "Constraints"
- need better learnability for adding constraints. maybe change the flow and titles for the contraints pages
- Figure out how to interact with the schedule page.
Prototype Iteration