Ben Bitdiddle is taking notes for 6.006 on his laptop. He has to keep up with the professor and write down all of the important points. The professor begins to draw a very complex diagram on the board, and warns the class that if they don't understand all of the details of the diagram, they will fail the next exam! Ben must be able to insert the diagram into his notes without losing any of the details, and without falling behind taking notes on the rest of the lecture.
Later, while studying for the test, Ben decides to do the assigned reading from his textbook. He wants to insert additional notes into his lecture notes on the same material, so Ben opens his notes to modify them. He goes over the notes, and inserts a few new facts that he forgot when he was taking the notes originally.
Design 1
In this design, the user's notes are stored in a strict hierarchy corresponding to school years and classes. Inserting images is done by taking the pictures on a smartphone and uploading them into your notes.
New users will be presented with a standard account creation/login page. Once they have created their account, they see the notes storage, which is organized into sections with years and classes.
Image of hierarchy with nothing created yet
On initial login they must either select the pre-populated year or create a new one. Once the year is selected, they can create a class, and then create notes for that class. This is not analogous to a standard file-system hierarchy in that you cannot create loose notes: they must be associated with a class, and classes must be associated with years.
Image of populated hierarchy
Clicking the buttons to add a year or a class has a text box pop into the list, with a default name highlighted for pending delete. Clicking the button to add new notes for a class, though, takes you into the text editor.
Image of the text editor
The title of the notes is presented in an editable text box, which on first open is called "Untitled N," again highlighted for pending delete with the focus given to it. On future opens focus will be given to the body of the notes.