Full Proposal Panel Review includes the following steps:
submit panel reviews
Administrative Review Web Interface
For a full description of the RFP FMP interface, go to :
Add / Edit Reviewers
Add the role of 'Panel Reviewer' via the Roles list at top-right. [ see Pre-Proposal Review: Setting-up Reviewers... ]
Assign Reviewers to Calls
Select the Assignments tab. To assign a reviewer to a specific call (<span style="color: #ff0000">should be among active calls; fix this</span>), click the green [+] button beneath 'Assigned Calls for Panel Review', and select the call via the drop-down that appears.
Email Reviewers
Panel Review web interface
presents to the reviewer all proposals assigned to them, including the call, PI name, proposal title, the compiled full proposal pdf uploaded by the eSG Admin, peer reviews (blinded), rebuttals, rebuttal supporting documents, and comments from other panel members regarding each proposal.
Reviews are viewable via the
Administrative Review Web Interface
or FMP, as they are added by reviewers. The Admin Review web interface shows reviews by proposal, while FMP shows reviews when browsing by full proposal, by reviewer, or as a list under 'Reviews'.
You have several options for retrieving pdfs of panel reviews:
Administrative Review Web Interface