Stellar is MIT’s online platform for learning and course management. Faculty use Stellar to centrally organize course materials, assignments, and class activities, while students use it to access their coursework. Stellar hosts over 1000 sites for nearly 800 courses across all of the Institute’s schools, departments, and programs. IS&T began the Next Generation LMS Evaluation project in 2008. The goal: to find the best combination of features and functionality that can be supported with a reasonable commitment of resources. Read on about how Stellar Next Generation aims to enhance online teaching and learning at MIT.
For Faculty
Notes from Stellar NG Roundtable (Faculty) 01.28.10
What would you like to see in MIT's LMS?
"don't change my experience, improve it!"
"keep it simple"
“customized access control”
“ability to establish teams, as opposed to sections”
“more batch features (batch enrolling, blocking, etc.)
“robust and usable forums with good tools… for monitoring…”
“an email system (that is) easier to use… to email some students as opposed to all”
“user friendly”, “easier navigation”, “more flexibility”
"a way for instructors to be notified when new topics are created in the discussion forums"
"do not limit the adding of links to the navigation bar"
"we are looking to have a (tutorial) section within a (recitation) section"
"I will be very happy if my class deadlines can be synced onto google cal...."
"It would be great if I could push a button to print all of the homeworks turned in for a given section"
What functionality should an LMS offer to faculty?
Tools that support teaching and reflect the instructional models at MIT
- Syllabus or class-based views of content
- Support for all types of subject configurations (e.g. lectures, recitations, labs/designs)
- Support for flexible types of learning groups
- Groups that can act independently across sites
- Assignable start and end dates (in addition to semester-bound courses)
- Configurable gradebook settings and grade submissions
- Attendance-tracking features
- Built-in collaboration capabilities
- Blogs, Forums, Wikis, Surveys, Quizzes
- More flexible permission schemes for TAs, Graders, Admins, etc.
- Ad-hoc roles, labels and groups
- Expanded user dashboard and portal (@Stellar)
Flexible document and data management
- Central repository for materials, independent of course site
- Content tagging and metadata
- Data sharing in standard formats across applications (e.g., Google Calendar)
- Improved homework workflow with gradebook integration
- Document sharing capabilities to allow for more collaborative cross-departmental teaching and research efforts
Course administration improvements
- Batch requests for course site creation and configuration
- Departmental administrative portal (e.g. Biology@Stellar)
- Batch editing of multiple site configurations
For Students
Notes from Stellar NG Roundtable (Student) 01.21.10
What would you like to see in MIT's LMS?
"allow (us) to star material (we) like"
"I wish more classes used the gradebook tool"
"ability to sort (materials) by date posted"
"incorporate more Web 2.0 principles"
"make (Stellar) easier to use so that our professors and TAs have an easier time learning to use it"
"I wish I could look more openly at the syllabus and other docs posted (elsewhere) so I can take a look and decide if [STLRNG:the class] is for me"
"I'd like the entire syllabus, calendar, and assignments to be included and integrated"
What functionality should an LMS offer to MIT students?
User- and content-centered platform
- Multiple group memberships within and between course sites
- Flexible document management
- Expanded user portal (@Stellar)
Faster and more seamless access to content
- Homework, grades, and forum widgets in user portals - ability to track academic progress during the semester
- Integration with industry-standard calendaring/schedules (e.g. Google Calendar)
- Portal widgets for customization and personalization
- iPhone application and mobile platform integration
- Improved searching capabilities - search by Professor, TA, meeting room, etc.
- Enhanced course previews - syllabus, textbooks, HASS requirements, course ratings
Social networking and collaboration tools
- Blogs, Wikis, integration with outside webapps
- Modern discussion forum
- System-wide user profiles, favorites, etc.
Workflow changes that will provide ease of administration for student staff
- More configurable roles for TAs and Graders
- Access controls for sections
For Collaborators
What functionality should an LMS offer to the community?
OpenCourseWare: integrated course data sharing, improved end-to-end workflow
Libraries: eReserves data handling, textbook information enhancements
OEIT: webservices, APIs, Admin options (batch edits)
Who's Teaching What (WTW): data import/export, section information
Registrar: grade and section information
Student projects: webservices for mashups, standard APIs