7/29 Meeting
8/2 Brainstorm
IS&T Service Portfolio Data Dictionary (Glossary of Terms)
9/13 Meeting
The full list of process maps can be found here: Process Models
- Review Definitions: IS&T Service Portfolio Data Dictionary (Glossary of Terms)
- Subprocesses
- Short Term* New software request prioritization
- What are decision criteria for adding new software
- ROI to Community
- Business Need
- Educational need
- Financial Gain
- Time
- Buying Power
- Support burden/Cost
- Does it support mission of MIT* Long Term* RACI matrix
- Service Portfolio
- Cost Models
- Map “Feasibility Lite” process
- Map “Acquisition Lite” process
- OLA Creation (VSLS/HS)* Out of Scope (for this project)* Requirements Gathering (PMBA)
- Request fulfillment triage
- Support process improvements (HD/DITR)* Discussion* Who “owns” these processes (Feasibility, Acquisition, etc.)
- 1 AD
- Cross directorate team to do the day-to-day work
- What authority do they need?
- What resources do they need?
- Visibility into spending/costs
- Time to do the work
- SW Portfolio to track costs/spending* Review recommendation structure* Overview/Problem Statement
- Who “owns” it
- Process Maps* Next Steps
- Pat and Chris will draft recommendation for group to review
- target date for review 9/30-10/3