To download template, click here: Business Case.doc
Why develop a Business Case? A business case provides justification for approving a project, outlines the benefit and drivers for the business, the investment value in relation to other projects, and helps assess the project's impact on resources.
1. Area |
VPF or HR-Payroll? |
.2. Project |
Hourly Student Appointments |
3. Potential sponsor: |
Gerry O'Toole |
4. Submittal Date |
8/5/2011 |
Purpose of Project |
Initial Scope: _Identify business functions that must be included in the project and, if known, functions that are definitely out of scope.
@Initial_|textarea(7, 100)@
Benefits: How the solution will effect the business
initial scope section does not appear to be displaying
Improves customer service
Reduces data entry errors
Increases productivity
Risks: Explain risks and impact of not doing the project.
Lacks of resources
Desired Time Line for Implementation
how does approved by work?
insert variables - not intuitive label
Approved by: _________________________________________________________________________