Accessing BucketList
The BucketList website can be found at [BECKY’S PUBLIC]
Shallow Backend
The login page does not actually create an account or log a user in, it simply opens BucketList as if ‘Alice Packer’ is logged in.
Alerts have not been implemented yet. In the final implementation, when typing a note, you will be able to click the ‘alert’ button to alert collaborators to important notes. When you are alerted to a note, a link to that bucket will appear, in bold, in your ‘Alerts’ drop-down. You will also receive an alert if another user adds you to a bucket or task, or when the due-date of an uncompleted task of yours is approaching. The ‘Alerts’ drop-down button will indicate how many new alerts you have. Right now, this is all static content, and new alerts cannot be created.
Post-it notes in the final implementation will be editable. If a user clicks the ‘edit’ button on a post-it, the note will become a text-area and the button will change to a ‘done’ button. The user can then edit the note from the post-it. It will remain editable until the user clicks ‘done’. The ‘x’ button on post-its will also close the note and reactivate the ‘sticky’ button beside that note in the ‘task view’. Users will be able to re-size post-it notes, so longer notes can be read without needing to scroll. In addition, when dragging post-its around the board, the post-it being dragged will always be set with the highest Z-index. Finally, double-clicking a post-it note will open the corresponding task view.
When adding collaborators in tasks, there will be a drop-down with auto-complete options for users already in that bucket. If a user attempts to add a collaborator not yet in the bucket, they will be given the option of adding the user to the bucket and the task. There will also be a check to make sure users being added are actually registered users of the system, and you will not be able to add a collaborator not registered in the system. The display picture beside the list of collaborators will be that user’s picture, and the ‘x’ beside the collaborator’s name will remove them from the bucket / task. Removing a collaborator from a bucket will also remove them from all tasks within the bucket. In the ‘bucket view’, it will also be possible to drag collaborators onto tasks, to more efficiently add users to multiple tasks in a bucket.
Clicking ‘my account’ will allow a user to change their password and profile picture.
The ‘clear completed’ button in the bottom right will also remove all tasks marked as completed.
The ‘My Buckets’ drop-down will be expandable, so clicking on a bucket name will hide/show the tasks in that bucket. Buckets will also be sortable, so a user can drag a bucket higher or lower in the list.
Information is currently not synced across all views. This means that if something is changed or added, the change will not take effect in other places the information is displayed.
Finally, information is not being saved, so all information will be lost when the page is refreshed.