GR3 - Paper Prototyping
Prototype photos
PickFind is a web application that facilitates the process of finding enjoyable pickup basketball games to participate in. Currently, the process of finding pickup games is variable and uncertain. A player is typically uncertain of whether or not there will be a game to participate in when he or she shows up at the court. This can lead to discomfort and even discourage players from heading to the court at all. Players have trouble finding sufficient others to play with and they tend to prefer to play with people at their skill level and people whom they know.
PickFind was created to collate and organize all of the information regarding players and games so that like-minded players could come together to play pickup basketball. Active games are created with a series of game details specifying logistics. Players seeking games create public profiles on the site. And then search for games that appeal to them. In order to find the best fits, they can search through games based on criteria that are important to them.
We hope that PickFInd will help pickup basketball players to find more and better games to partake in -- thus improving the physical health of the universe.
Scenario Tasks
- Set Profile: Fill out personal information for your profile page. Your profile page will contain information that identifies yourself to others. In the context of this site, your profile will provide the necessary information for other users to identify for the purpose of playing pickup basketball together.
- set your name
- set your location
- set your skill level
- Create Game: Initiate a game by providing the necessary details. Use the game creation page to establish a landing point for all players interested in playing at the time, location, and skill level that you establish. Potential players will be able to view all of the game parameters you set to determine whether or not they would like to join. As the join, they will be added to the game page. Since you are the game creator you have admin power to edit the game parameters as needed.
- set a time
- set a location
- set a desired skill range
- set the desired number of players
- Find Game: Search for a game that best fits your criteria an decide whether or not to join. Use PickFind to filter all active games based on the specific details that are important to you. Choose a time that is convenient for your schedule. Choose a location that you would ordinarily frequent. Choose a skill level that would be within a competitive range for your abilities.
- choose a time
- choose a location
- choose a desired skill range
- look through results to find a game that fits your criteria
- join a game