Prototype Photos
BucketList is a shared task-management application, allowing users to easily create group to-do lists.
Once you have an account, you can create "buckets" - categories to put your tasks in. You can then add tasks to your existing buckets. This application is different than most task-management applications you've probably used in the past, because you can also share buckets with your friends. So, for example, you might create a GR3 bucket, which you will share with the rest of your group. You can then assign each person in the group individual tasks, like "write briefing" or "finish paper prototypes", and monitor your progress, as a group, towards completing the project. Finally, you can write an share notes about each task, to make sure you're all on the same page.
Hopefully, this will all be clear as you use the paper prototype. Do you have any questions before we start?
Scenario Tasks
You're a student in 6.813, and your group decided to switch the focus of your project, so you have to redo GR1. You were also just assigned GR2. And in your busy schedule, you somehow also just got a UROP.
Task 1 - Add note to GR1, reminding your group to update the wiki.
Task 2 - Remove Bayo's note from the bulletin, then place your new note in the center.
Task 3 - You've completed GR1! Now add a task called GR2 to your 6.813 bucket, and add the appropriate collaborators.
Task 4 - Add a UROP bucket.