Queue system administration
Backup services
Restore procedures
Installing TSM backup software
TSM registration information
The four clusters backed up with TSM have the following registration information. The TSM system automatically assigns an initial password (newpass), but according to the registration e-mail, this will be automatically changed to a new, encrypted password, and stored on the machine.
Server: oc11-bk-ent-1.mit.edu
Nodename: DARIUS2.CSBI
Schedule: BUS-0700
Server: backup-i.mit.edu
Nodename: DARIUS1.CSBI
Schedule: BUS-2400
Server: backup-i.mit.edu
Nodename: CYRUS1.CSBI
Schedule: BUS-2400
Server: backup-i.mit.edu
Nodename: QUANTUM2
Schedule: BUS-2400