There are a small number of changes to the xidl package that are required (or stronly recommended) for operation with FIREHOSE. We did not check in these changes ourselves to the xidl code base as this would make them out of sync with the publicly available tarball. You should make these changes by hand as part of the FIREHOSE installation process.
1. Inverse variance weighting bug:
In the procedure $XIDL_DIR/FIT/, line 160:
change from:
upper=fitstr.hsig, $
invvar=fit/fit, upper=fitstr.hsig, $
2. Fix memory leaks: add the following two lines:
in, line 100:
if ptr_valid(fitstr.ffit) EQ 1 then ptr_free, fitstr.ffit
in, line 211:
if ptr_valid(fitstr.ffit) EQ 1 then ptr_free, fitstr.ffit
3. Add FIRE as an instrument option:
in the file, add at line 100:
ENDIF ELSE IF strcmp(instrument, 'FIRE') THEN BEGIN
rn_img = fltarr(nx,ny)
rn_img[*] = 10.0