Topics are similar to file folders on a desktop, and you use topics to organize class/section materials---by lecture, by week, by subject unit, or by any other scheme appropriate to the class. You can add all class documents to one topic or create topics that represent an outline of the class materials, then add the appropriate materials to each topic.
Adding Materials to a Stellar site can be a beneficial way to organize and distribute class materials among instructors and to students. Note: Upload a compound document to a topic just as you would a single document. The only difference is that you must also select the option stating that the file is a ZIP or JAR file and enter the relative URL of the index page for a ZIP file.
DIRECTIONS to ADD MATERIALS to the class/section website:
DIRECTIONS to EDIT TOPIC NAMES and MATERIALS: 1. Click Materials in the Navigation Bar 4. Remember to hit Unable to render embedded object: File (submit.jpg) not found. after every edit to save your work! DIRECTIONS to DELETE TOPICS and MATERIALS Note: You cannot delete a topic if it contains course materials. First delete all course materials for the topic and then delete the topic. Each semester you teach a class, you need a new class website. However, rather than re-creating the class content, you can import it from a prior class's website. You can import topics, documents, and/or assignments from the entire class or just a section. Tip: You can import information from more than one class. For example, first import some topics from class A, then repeat the procedure to import topics from class B. DIRECTIONS to IMPORT CLASS CONTENT: Note: Imported documents and assignment have the schedule and due dates from the prior class. You need to edit the documents, change the dates, and select whether to post them on the schedule. Stellar can download a .zip file of all documents, webpages, and weblinks listed on the Materials page for you to download onto your computer. DIRECTIONS to EXPORT CLASS/SECTION MATERIALS: When the materials are downloaded onto your computer the folder will organize course materials into two folders: homework and topics. The assignments for your class will be located in the homework folder while other materials will be organized in the topics folder. The topic folders will be labeled Topic 1, Topic 2, etc. according to the order of the topics on your site. Within each topic folder, the materials will be organized by type of material. [Troubleshooting Uploading Documents]Managing Class Content
Table of Contents
Adding Topics, Assignments, Documents, Webpages, and Weblinks
You can create as many topics as needed for the class. Topics appear on the Materials page in the order that you create them, but you can reorder them.
Recommended Document File Formats
You can use any file format on a class website; however, the following file formats are recommended because users can readily access them with minimal compatibility issues:
For more information on using HTML see http://www.w3org/TR/htrml401/intro/intro.html.
are available for download from Microsoft.
In order to add a compound document, first configure the class website to unpack compound documents. You do this by checking the Enable Unpacking Of ZIP Or JAR Files option on the Website Settings page. Your users can then click the title link of the document and see the top page in the browser, and all links work as they should within the document. If you do not configure the class website to handle compound documents, unpacking the file will be left to the browser when a user clicks the title link.
DIRECTIONS to ADD TOPICS to the class/section website:
Unable to render embedded object: File (materials.jpg) not found.
Unable to render embedded object: File (addtopic2.jpg) not found.
As you create topics, they will appear on the materials page.
Editing Topic Names, Assignments, Documents, Webpages, and Weblinks
2. Click Unable to render embedded object: File (edit.jpg) not found. next to the document you want to edit.
3. Make the changes on your document, webpage, or weblink.
Deleting Topics, Assignments, Documents, Webpages, and Weblinks
Stellar displays the Delete Topic or Delete Document page.
Importing Class Content from a Previous Stellar Website
The Import page now lists all the information that you can import from the selected class or section.
Choose one of the three options below. Choose to:
Exporting Class or Section Materials
(new pic)
Stellar displays a message that the .zip file is available.
Note: The .zip file includes the document paths. When extracting documents you may want to specify a folder/directory on your computer.Related topics:
Known Issues
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