- A faculty member wants to record class session so studnets taking the class can review.
- for instance, should anyone be able to view besides this class, sync slides, hearing imparied, quick turnaround?
- Instructor wants to capture its class for display to the world. A class for public presentation. Assumption one session over the course of the semester.
- Instructor wants to record for student review AND public presentation
- INstrucotr needs to record lab, demo, field trip, student project. (Are we caputing off a microscope, are you in a parking lot, costa rica?)
- EECS student have a project in large labs so they HAVE to make a video becuase they can't bring the achine into class.
- Foreign languages. Capture students speaking the the foreign langauge, and later review for help.
- Also for communcations and presentation skills for later reivews.
- Instructor has a guest speaker, one shot deal. Wants to record for the class or the world.
- INstrcutor does a how to set up your lab equipment,. Wants to make a video that they can show at the fall of every semester to new stident in the lab course.
Tom Friedman speaking at Kresge. Logistics of the event in Kresge. Simulcast or this, distribute this somehow. ONe MIT WOrld, maybe its on TechTv.
HR puts together training videso for how to plan your retirement account.
Admissions or DUE or SOE want to make a promotional video with a professions look.
Faculty member wins Nobel prize (Someone, either new office or AMPS or both) need to interview him or her and
CNN needs to interview an MIT expert on something... on the news. The person has to be sitting someplace to have that conversation. 99.44% sure the answer to the question is all the news office. THey'll know the process. THey'll want to be told that its happening. They'll know how to get you to that facility. News office the gatekeeper to anything that concerns media.
60 seconds at MIT. They take content. They have some video expertise in house. A person who edits these things. They're base bones. They are producing for their own needs.
We need to answer the question in our minds.
If the media calls you, call the news office.
WE need to check in the MIT Alumni at some point. We need to check in with New oFfice. Kate has a contact there.