This wikispace is for tracking Archives digital projects involving MIT research publications. Not all Archives' digital projects are represented here -- only those related to research publications. A list of recent and current projects can be found below.
Research Publications
The Archives collects many MIT publications. Research publications are a distinct subset. They are published directly by MIT's departments, labs, and centers (DLCs) and are designed to report early results from faculty research. Since each issue in a series has a unique title and constitutes a freestanding report on recently completed faculty research, research pubs are considered monographic series. The series titles of research pubs typically contain the words "report," "technical report," or "working papers." In most cases, "technical reports" or "reports" are published by DLCs in science or engineering; "working papers" by DCLs in social science, management, or public policy. Like pre-prints and other species of gray literature, many research pubs subsequently appear as articles in peer-reviewed journals.
Craig Thomas • Thesis and Publications Coordinator, Institute Archives and Special Collections • clthomas / 3-6846