Time flows from top to bottom
Version 4.1, Code is located at
It is set up to run on 300 Pythia W-events - takes ~1 minute.
root4star rdMuWana.C
It will display the first 2 identified Ws and save collection of histograms in the local file:
To display all of them use macro
root.exe plWana.C'(1)'
change page index in the range 1-15. Macro can display all & save as PS files execute
.L plWana.C
Key components of the W-reco code.
The St2009WMaker::Make() does the job of finding all potential Ws & Zs in given event consisting of many primary vertices.
The result is a Wevent-tree defined as follows
User can access this tree from another maker:
which is 'friend' of St2009WMaker and has access to all private variables.
This way one can study W-algo code w/o affecting the code itself. This way future changes of W-algo code are better isolated from the evaluation code.
A short example of W-evaluation code is in St2009pubWanaMaker::evalWeleTrackSign()
St2009pubWanaMaker saves its histograms to the common output root file and those can be viewed by the macro
plPub1.C - the same concept of plotting pages as in plWana.C.
Run9 data processing
Two scripts:
multiBfcJobTempl.xml , subBfcTempl-multi.sh
allow execution of the rdMuWana.C. Sending all 423 jobs to scheduler takes about 15 minutes, results are available 10-20 minutes later.
The directory: fillListA/ contains sorted muDst file lists for SL09b production.
All works together . Instruction on demand.
Version 4.42, by Justin
Code is located at /star/institutions/iucf/stevens4/wAnalysis/ver4.42/
-"Away Cone" calculation: There's a new function called findAwayCone() that searches for seeds for a "jet" on the away side and calculates it's pt.
-Access to MC record in geant.root files: All of this is contained in a new maker St2009pubMcMaker, so it can be switched on and off in the macro. It also requires submitting separate jobs for each MC file (for StIOMaker). There is a file list there (mcSetD1_ppWprod_fileList.lis) to do this.
-Transverse Mass Calculation: This function to calculate the "hadronic recoil" is in St2009W_accessMuDst.cxx, but calculating the transverse mass is done in St2009pubJSMaker.cxx and St2009pubMcMaker.cxx for data and mc respectively.
I haven't added any cuts from any of these new features so the yields should be the same as before. I added a new macro plTransMass.C to display figures related to the transverse mass calculation.
W-algo in CVS on Nov 23, 2009
cvs co StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009 cvs checkout: Updating StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009 U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/St2009WMaker.cxx U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/St2009WMaker.h U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/St2009W_accessMuDst.cxx U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/St2009W_algo.cxx U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/St2009W_histo.cxx U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/St2009W_trigger.cxx U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/St2009WlumiMaker.cxx U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/St2009WlumiMaker.h U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/St2009Wlumi_histo.cxx U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/St2009pubJSMaker.cxx U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/St2009pubJSMaker.h U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/St2009pubJS_histo.cxx U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/St2009pubMcMaker.cxx U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/St2009pubMcMaker.h U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/St2009pubMc_histo.cxx U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/St2009pubSpinMaker.cxx U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/St2009pubSpinMaker.h U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/St2009pubSpin_histo.cxx U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/St2009pubWanaMaker.cxx U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/St2009pubWanaMaker.h U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/St2009pubWana_histo.cxx U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/WanaConst.h U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/Wevent2009.h U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/WeventDisplay.cxx U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/WeventDisplay.h cvs checkout: Updating StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/macros U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/macros/haddWana.C U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/macros/plPubJS.C U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/macros/plTransMass.C U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/macros/plWana.C U StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009/macros/rdMuWana.C
Code used for DNP2009 results was tagged in CVS as 'DNP2009'
To retrieve the tagged version (w/o any changes appled after December 30, 2009) do
cvs co -r DNP2009 StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009
To retrieve the latest dev version do
cvs co StRoot/StSpinPool/StWalgoB2009
W-algo Update on Jan 6, 2010
-Remove Justin's "homemade jet finder" (real jet finder will be included shortly)
-Change all track cuts to use primary component instead of global component.
W-algo Upadate on Jan 8, 2010
-Set useETOW=3 as default (use ETOW in near and away side pT sums)
-Add jet finder to algo: rdMuWana.C now reads in muDst and jet trees simultaneously (jet trees for use at APS are located /star/institutions/iucf/stevens4/wAnalysis/aps2010/jetTree)