Before you begin, you must have the following:
- a trusted server Java keystore.
Need a Trusted Server Java keystore? Here are instructions on how to create a trusted server Java keystore.
1. The MAVEN_OPTS environmental variable
Starting from the Windows Task Bar goto:
start->Control Panel->System->Advanced->Environment Variables
and a dialog, similar to the one below, will be displayed:
Under System variables, click the New button and the following dialog will be display:
Enter the following:
Variable name: MAVEN_OPTS
Variable value:"XXXXXX"
making the appropriate adjustment for /path/to/the/serverTrustStore.jks and the password "XXXXXX".
When satisfied that everything is correct, click the OK button.
When the Environmental Variables dialog re-appears, click the OK button.
Finally, you must reboot your workstation.
You can now access the Maven repositories using https.