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Notes from ICP/OS&T Operational Plan Meeting

November 10, 2005

Attendees: Anderson, Baron, Dolan, Kumar, Regan, Rao, Thomas

ICP experiments update and overview - Dennis
  1. Voice mail to electronic mail - Mark Silis has the server up
  2. Shuttle Track Voice response completed and in use. Potential for web interface usability improvements.
  3. Collaborative Video Display- NW30 installation complete and in use per S. Lerman.
    Remaining two installations - Baker House and McGregor or Burton-Connor to be completed this winter.
  4. Real Time Collaboration Sever for SMA Phase 2: There is a list of 10 products for evaluation , including CISCO MeetingPlace, WebEx, Marratech.
    Allison noted that the WebEx account she has provided Dennis is valid until the end of December =9205.
  5. Support for Cambridge MIT Institute =96 meetings held with Peggy Enders , Sam Prentis key alum representing ACME ( Alumni of CME).
    This years group has extensive laptop ownership ( all except1 own) They have started using a Confluence wiki. Issues around connectivity at Cambridge University and MIT web certificates have surfaced.
  6. Real time collaboration tools for Alcator experiment at Plasma Fusion Science Center-
    PFSC conducted a campus trial to evaluate presence services and multi media connectivity over the internet. Using Internet2 Presence and Integrated Communications (PIC) . SIP Express Router (SER) , an open source application for extending the SIP infrastructure.
  7. Media lab experiment to build VoiceMesh network. Met with Andy? Will use Sip to show interaction with Regular telephones

Dennis : Please note further detail as needed!

Related activities from Operational Plans
  • OIS Theresa
  1. OIS has provided support for current ICP experiments. Would like feedback on performance and be in the loop on the future vision thu group email or project web pages.
    New SIP server is in use by Jeff, Mark, Ron, Chris, Dennis. The server is networked and is redundant in terms of power , but code is not reproducible yet. Mark is continuing with development effort.
    Woodshole Tie line, Shuttle track are in production ( Shuttle track uses Asterisk server)
  2. CSAIL conducting own experiments
    plans to use wireless IP phones to deal with Stata performance issues.
    Theresa noted the challenge of ICP reporting to include activities such as those at CSAIL.
    Dennis mentioned that Mark and he had met with Jack Castanza
    Will we have several SIP servers CISCO- IS&T and CSAIL and Asterisk for shuttle track?
Support Models for ICP - Allison, Greg, Thomas , Kumar , Baron, Rao


General discussion around collaboration tools as a service to all or specific areas/projects ( e.g BCSC, GEM4, PSFC) . Vijay noted that AMPS provides collaboration service to SMA.
What should the business model for these types of services be?

What is the process for transitioning from experiment ( low =20
standards) to service ( high standards)

Dennis and Mark will work to define levels of service

Need a group to monitor and evaluate experiments for potential scaling and service potential.
IS&T will provide the infrastructure. Existing infrastructure should serve as a gating factor for choice of experiments.
Vijay mentioned that Hockfield has a vision of MIT as an experimental campus?
Pricing? Dolan telephone vs network pricing.


Which group is tasked with support =96 the general purpose help desk staff is not appropriate to deal with specialized set up and problems they do not see regularly.
Oliver mentioned Stanford =91s use of a Pilot Production Control group and a corresponding knowledge base to interface with the pilot teams and provide support and provide a buffer to the Enterprise level general purpose help desk staff. The help desk staff should have a list of experiments that have transitioned to service and direct calls to the Pilot production control group.
Staffing levels for the special support group to be determined by Oliver and Dennis. Composition from AC, CSS, OIS, TS

Another meeting needed to continue the discussion.

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