This CDC Website has all the basic information we need--->
Everyone needs to go to their doctor and figure out exactly what vaccines you need:
a. yellow fever
b. hepatitis A
c. hepatitis B
d. typhoid
e. polio
f. rabies... although I didn't know they had a vaccine for this. I thought it was an after-vaccine... okay whatever.
We'll need to get anti-malarial medication and remind each other EVERY SINGLE DAY to eat it. This is our biggest health risk. Some symptoms fyi:
body aches
nausea and vomiting
Medicine To Bring
- your own prescription medication
- anti-diarrhea medication (VERY IMPORTANT)
- anti-malarial medication (VERY IMPORTANT)
- Iodine tablets and portable water filters to purify water (VERY IMPORTANT)
- Antibacterial hand wipes or alcohol-based hand sanitizer (VERY IMPORTANT)
- sunscreen and sunblock and a hat
Bug/Mosquito Bites
Because mosquito/bug bites are so scary and carry so many diseases, CDC also recommends that we:
Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and a hat to wear outside (I figure since we're going to have to wear very modest clothing, this shouldn't be a problem)
Use Insect spray containing pyrethroid insecticide
Sleep under bed nets treated with permethrin. See Insecticide Treated Bed Nets on the CDC malaria site.
We can also discuss some of these health issues with Zac or others who live/have traveled to Mauritania to get an idea of how they combat health/sanitation issues.