Phase 2
Nicole and Ann Marie reviewed the 5 notebooks on Monday. We have researched standard practice for scanning scrapbooks, especially what to do with loose materials-asked NEDCC and read preservation microfilming practices. It seems that there is no standard practice yet for scanning, but using microfilm-style targets makes sense. We who access the files from the server can see from file names that the material is in between pages: _024 is page 24, _025 is page 25, _024a is the first loose bit between them, _024b is the second, etc. Patrons using a page-turning application online, however, won't see or use the file names, so it needs to be obvious visually what is going on-hence, the targets.
Nicole and Ann Marie met with Beverly this morning. Pointers for vendor:
- need all four page edges in image; do not crop in the usual way
- one notebook has approx 100 blank pages--do not film, but insert target
- shot foldouts closed, then open, as in microfilming
Questions for Archives:
- What file name will be used for the Gemerhausen notebook and the July 1938 notebook?
- Should loose material be separated into a folder or replaced in the scrapbook?
- Do they have a "Filming and Separation" target they want us to use?
- If there are multiple loose bits that are small, can they all be captured in one image?
- The film negatives will be shot in place. Do they also want each negative (individually or in a group shot) shot on blank background?
--Ann Marie