Edgerton Digital Collections Metadata Definition Project
Edgerton Digital Archives Metadata Information Model: [download Version 0.2 PDF|^edgertonmetadatav0p2.pdf]
MIT Museum Slide Cataloging Fieldsas of 3/24/08
Working Documents
Whiteboard images (Oct 22 meeting): [download PDF|^Whiteboard-10-22.pdf]
- Mobius Value Lists (Places, People): [download XML|^mobius_value_lists.xml]
- Subject Categories used by the negative catalogers: [download TXT|^edgsubjects.txt] as of 11/24/08
- EOP topic categories: [download DOC|^EOP topic categories.doc] from Claire C.
MIT Libraries Edgerton Notebook Cataloging Project
Library Team Tasks
Unknown macro: {dynamictasklist}
Unknown macro: {dynamictasklist}
Unknown macro: {dynamictasklist}
Missing Images:
- nb14 -- images missing for "MC0025_nb14_039" through "MC0025_nb14_235"
- nbgg -- image for MC0025_nbgg_098 corrupted, only see top third of page
Extra Page Records:
- nb32 p003a
- nb32 p027c
- nb32 f012
- nb33 p097c
- nb36 b004-007
- nbgg f046-f047
Extra File Records: nb20 has two sets of file records, both numbered 001-291, the second set has the images, the first set is blank;
same for nbee, #1-236 duplicates without images;
same for nbff, #1-375 duplicates without images