The following is a guide on how to upload a working paper to the CRE RePEc archive. The archive is located here, and the status of the archive can be checked here.
Getting Into the RePEc Archive
- ssh into the Athena dialup servers. Instructions on how to do so can be found here.
- Navigate to the /afs/ directory.
Via WinSCP for Windows
Via Cyberduck for Mac
- Download the Cyberduck client.
- Launch Cyberduck and select "Open Connection" at the top of the window so that the below popup appears. Fill out the fields with the options shown. Enter your Kerberos username and password in their respective fields. Select "Connect" and proceed with the authentication procedures that follow.
- Once connected, select "Go To Folder".
- Paste /afs/ into the target directory field and select "Go". You will be taken to the proper directory for uploading working paper .rdf files.
Adding a Working Paper to Archive
- Create a .rdf file and fill out the appropriate metadata for the working paper.
- Ensure that the Number field in the .rdf file is unique - a good convention to use is +1 of the Number of the last uploaded paper (e.g., if the last uploaded paper has Number 1234, the next upload should have Number 1235).
- Also ensure that the file name corresponds to the Number.
- A blank template .rdf file as well as a pre-filled example .rdf file are attached to this page. More information on the structure of these .rdf files can be found here.
- Place the .rdf file you have created into the /afs/ directory.