RISG agenda, Wed., 10/15/08: 10-11; Rotch Conference Room
Present: Horowitz, McCann, Green, Sweeney, Szarko, Locknar, Cohn, Perkins
- Announcements
- Update on different subgroups:
- Ref Stats group - thinking about a "show n tell" of new products/tools available. How to engage non-librarian staff? Also looking at what we need to collect and why, to sample or not to sample.
- Reference Vision update - with Mark and Lisa attending Immersion for Assessment this December, we may need to have an Instruction Vision too.
- Instruction assessment pilot - we have around 250 students to be surveyed so far (maybe more).
- PSLG has 6 benchmarks for assessment, we need to determine how our stats fit into this.
- Gaming pilot happening at Barker. Maybe look at ACRL Information Literacy Standards and compare to gaming (article from Lisa H about this will be forwarded)
- Think about ideas for Patty as a consultant, maybe Info Nav/Barton Basics project
- IAP coordinators met, brown bag to be held Oct 31 and Nov 18 (??)
- Update on different subgroups:
- Establish list of ownership for RISG-related web pages (virtual reference pages, instruction pages, reference manual, wiki, etc.)
- List is on the wiki
- Discussion about if these are rotating ownerships or "permanent". We may make this into a chart indicating what is rotating or not.
- Ask Us Page - currently, the information is presented in terms of how the user wants to get in touch with us. Should we revise this so that emphasis is on subject selector page?
Minutes: Locknar (next: McCann)