One of the most challenging aspects of a multistage rocket launch is lighting the second stage reliably at near vacuum pressures. Overall system performance is strongly sensitive to second stage ignition timing and many, many, many vehicles have failed to light their second stage. A head end ignition system is designed to be controlled by the sustainer avionics system and reliably and rapidly pressurize the sustainer motor, raise the propellant to it's ignition temperature, and be highly robust to premature ignition.
Year | Lead |
Spring 2019 | Sam A. |
38mm APCP grain installed in fwd closure ~80Ns
Exhausts to chamber via canted nozzles
1 sec burn time at ~500 psi
Test | Location | Date | Notes |
HEI Only Test | Bldg. 37 Blast Chamber | April 2019 | Success! |
Friends of Amateur Rocketry | July 6, 2019 | Very Successful! |