Experience Curves in Photovoltaics
This presents some data on the rate of learning for PV modules, discusses some of the possible mechanisms behind the price decrease, and lists the numerous challenges with the use of experience curves.
Key Sources: Nemet, G. (2006); Woerlen (200X)
Residential Electricity Use & Prices & Solar Price - in Japan, Germany, California, Massachusetts
Presents data from the Energy Information Administration and the International Energy Agency
Key Sources: Energy Prices & Taxes - IEA, Energy Statistics of OECD Countries - IEA, Electricity Sales and Prices by State - EIA, Trends in Photovoltaics - IEA
Estimated Labor Hours per KW to Install a PV System
Estimated Number of Jobs from meeting the Massachusetts RPS with Solar
Average Cost per KW to Install a PV System
Hereis the website with the original files
CEC Data from the Emerging Renewable Program:Installations before 2005, Installations after 2005
CSI Data Here (CSI Replaced the Emerging Renwables Program in 2006)