This is the section for the overall Athena Program -- various projects associated with Athena renewals, hardware and software upgrades, etc. Program Manager is Bill Cattey.
Projects and summary status
- Revise Buy Athena online Documents
Work has been scoped, amendments are being drafted. Some obsolete docs are being removed.
- Athena Installer 2008
Bugs and cleanups have been made to the install script in AFS common to all current Athena media.
New Media has reached Release Candidate Status
- Athena 10
Organized plan for Preview deliverable into an Agile Methods "Scrum"
- Athena Renewal FY 2009
Hardware Core team has made some decisions; "Buy Athena" web pages under revision; Inventory proceeds.
- Athena Legacy
Sub-projects are being identified- Zephyr to Jabber Migration
XMPP/Jabber seems the way of the future. Investigate replacing Zephyr with Jabber. - Desktop Solaris Sunset
In the coming year we will reach out to customers in advance of next year's de-commissioning of the last Cluster desktop Suns.
- Zephyr to Jabber Migration