Sustainer and Its Cross-Section View
The 3-d drawings for the sustainer and its cross-section view can be found below.
Figure 1: Sustainer.
Figure 2: Cross-section view of the sustainer.
Thrust Curve
Here, the thrust curve for the sustainer can be found.
Figure 3: Sustainer thrust curve.
Motor Specifications
This is an M1322 motor, with a total impulse of 5.8 kNs.
The average pressure is 660 psi with a peak pressure of 825 psi.
With a mass of 6.5 lbs, the propellant contributes to more than 49% of the mass of the whole motor, which is 13.22 lbs.
Lastly, the expansion ratio for our booster is 19.75.
Simulator Files
For reference, the motor simulation file can be found here: 5.8KNs_M1300_24in.ric