Research and Instructional Support Group Meeting
Present: Bartley, Cohn, Green, Horowitz, McCann, McReynolds, Perkins (minutes), Sweeney, Szarko
- Spring seminar (Heather): Harvard's open-access initiative is first-choice topic if a speaker can be found. Another possible speaker: Lana Thelen, Outreach Coordinator, Perkins Braille and Talking Book Library
- Reference Manual updates are completed. Spin-off project: Anita will update the Equipment page 
; and run it by RISG.
- ISG (Anita): focus of most recent meeting was discussion of draft Fines proposal from the ASG/ISG joint subgroup
- PSLG (Peter): recent topics include draft Fines proposal; pilot project for delivery of material to faculty offices; Libraries' assessment plan. Current theme-based assessment cycle may be revised; discussion to continue at PSLG. Reference vision will be on May agenda.
Video tutorials
Discussion of how to ensure these are up-to-date, focusing (for now) on Patty's tutorials; location of scripts; additional tutorials needed; placement of links.
Action items:
- Peter, Remlee, Heather, and Mark volunteered to monitor tutorials for accuracy. This group will finalize responsibilities for who monitors what. (Peter noted that Angie may also wish to be involved.)
Determine location of scripts. [Anita checked with Darcy, post-meeting. Scripts and files needed for editing are in R:\Online Tutorials\working files. Not all of Patty's scripts are in the R drive yet, but they will be.]
- Ideas for additional tutorials: multisearch; new Vera
- Identify additional locations for buttons (e.g., buttons for "Finding Articles" videos on the Vera page
- Raise staff awareness of videos, especially among evening/weekend staff
Automating requests for Harvard cards
Georgiana led discussion of how to automate the process for Harvard card applications, based on the existing Countway process. Summary:
- Discussion of technical issues related to automating the process
- Need to ensure that we monitor who is using the service
- Target date for implementation: this fall
Action item:
Peter and Georgiana will get input from Steve.
Reference statistics update
Feedback received by Statistics subgroup in response to Heather's 3/5 email indicates that 'time spent' and 'at-desk vs. away-from-desk' need to be tracked.
Action item:
The group will draft a new form, run it by RISG, and discuss it with Steve.
Reference vision
The group gave Lisa H. its input for the draft "Reference Vision Project Report. Review 6 years Later."
Action items:
- Lisa will revise the report and add it to the wiki.
- RISG will discuss it again before it is presented to PSLG.
Next meeting: April 16
Minutes: Rostoff