Label (required): This is set to Creation by default
Expression: Used only for dates or date spans spelled out in full year/month (and in rare cases day) form, e.g. 2009 September-2010 February, or if using “circa” to indicate uncertainty about dates, e.g. circa 2000-2010. This field is not used if the single date or date range is a simple YYYY or YYYY-YYYY format. If two dates exist for a collection separate with a comma or semi-colon and then fill in the inclusive dates - example 1965; 2009.
1903, 1950-1955
circa 1952-1978
circa 1975 August
1892 or 1893
before 1920
after 1920
2015 Fall
2009 April 5 - 2010 May 1
For undated material:
Use sparingly. Use circa to estimate the date range, if the creation date is truly unknown use "undated", do not use n.d.
Type (required): Choose the appropriate option from the drop down menu
Bulk Dates (rarely used at file level): Creation dates applicable to the majority of materials in the description level, excluding any outliers on either end
Inclusive Dates: Creation dates applicable to all materials in the accession, including outliers on either end
Single: Use if there is only one creation date for all materials in the accession
Begin (required): Numerical value of earliest (or only) creation date in the accession in YYYY, YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD format
2018-01-01 (in expression field: 2018 January 1)
End: Numerical value of latest creation date in the accession in YYYY, YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD format
Certainty: Choose “Approximate” from the drop down menu if dates are uncertain for any reason