This page will serve as the site of postflight analysis for Hermes Flight 1.
Piston Deployment
Firing Force
Comparison with Ground Test
Parachute Velocities
Parachute Drag Coefficients (Effective)
It is not possible to do perfect analysis of the Parachute Drag coefficients because we cannot back out the drag on the mission package and booster sections. However, we can determine the effective coefficients (including the drag on these bodies).
We trimmed the data so that it didn't include opening shock loads or main opening. We then performed analysis at two different altitudes (~30k ft, ~20k ft, and ~10k ft) in order to see the difference between different altitudes.
Parachute Shock Loads
Integration began at roughly 1:30 pm PST and the rocket arrived on the pad at roughly 3:00 pm PST.
Lessons Learned
- Having a good checklist would have been beneficial, even though we likely wouldn't have been able to integrate the rocket in the amount of time that we were given before the end of the launch window if we had been following a strict checklist.
- Regular batteries are NOT enough to fire 2 e-matches in parallel. We ran into this problem during the ground test, as well as a previous static fire.