Due to materially inefficient casting procedures, the team had an excess of thermal liners for 98mm motors. This lead to the idea to attempt a monolithic grain casting directly in the thermal liner.
The motor is designed to utilize a 98mm thermal liner from RCS, a hot-wired foam core, 3D printed end caps, and 12.5 lbs of propellant. This load should be compatible with any appropriate case.
Making the Mandrels
The mandrels were designed in burnsim, and then CADed in Solidworks. The face of the grain was exported as a .dxf file from solidworks. The .dxf was run through this python script to generate a .dat file for the foam cutters. The foam cutter was run at .03 in/s at 20V to produce the mandrels. These values were determined by experimentation.
Sam A designed a Burnsim file for the motor, uploaded here.