Design tasks
Write up analysis up until this point
Recalculate forces, dynamic pressures, and descent rates for updated rocket
Opening Shock Force (Potvin, 2)
$F=C_k(C_dS)_0\frac{1}{2}\rhov^2$ |
Stress in DGB (Clark and Tanner, 13)
$\sigma t=\frac{F_{design}}{\pi D_{disk}}$ |
Nylon Cloth MIL-C-7020 (Poynter, 70)
Fabric, oz/yard | t, inches |
1.1 | .005 |
1.6 | .006 |
Find drogue Cd
Maydew gives Cd_0 = .53-.58, Dc/D0 = .73, and Dp/D0 = .65 (15).
Clark and Tanner say "It was typically assumed" that Dp/D0 = 2/3 (12). They do not give Cd anywhere, however they cite a number of papers that my give it.
Size drogue
Pick geometric ratios
Read Clark and Tanner.
Calculate stresses and forces in components
Pick fell and hem types
Calculate design factors
SRB drogue and main design factors (Maydew et al., 131)
Various DGB design factors (Clark and Tanner, 13)
I think Knacke has some design factor design guides