Result or Product of this Process
This process is used to request that an e-Builder user be added to a project.
This process should not be used to add a new user to the e-Builder system. Use 01.02 New User Request and Assignment (NUSER) for that purpose.
Process Details
- The primary actor for this process is the Project Manager.
- Note that once the request is submitted that the assignment to the project is completed by the e-Builder administrator..
- This process does not spawn other processes.
- A project manager typically requests that a user be added to the project.
- The request is completed by the e-B admin.
- The requestor will receive a confirmation by email when the request to add a resource has been completed by the e-B admin
e-Builder Instructions
Read Processes to learn how to use access and work with processes.
Complete the process/form fields as below.
Click Submit when finished.