Wednesday, December 5th: Bexley Basement
Two outreach programs--new audiences warrant new solutions/presentations:
- Education
- Political action
What do we want to do?
- Documentary
- Powerpoint expressing the Problem
- Local schools (elementary, middle, high school, colleges)
- MIT classes
- Talk to Sloan group
- how much will our plan cost?
- IDEAS Competition
- MIT $100k competition
- consulting business?
- Contact magazines
- Elle
- National Geographic
- Popular Science
- Vanity Fair
- Scientific American
- Seventeen
- Become a MIT student group?
We need to work on...
- Fish tracking
- GPS (cost)
- Add broadcast to Mission website
- Fix works cited
- Site search function
- Expand the problem section
- Aquaculture ?
- Can the fishing industry survive these changes?
- Invasives
- Engineering ecosystems