Standard Components
- Alfresco CMS
- Apache 2
- JDK 1.6
- OpenSSL
- SASHServer (SourceLabs Tomcat)
Directory Structure
Directories under /home indicate system users that you must set up.
/etc/init.d/web (web start/stop scripts)
/etc/profile.d (various files for establishing envronment variables
/mysql (MySQL database and related components)
/logs (application and server logs to give non-sysadmins secure access to log data)
/repos (AlFresco or other CMS or file-store repositories)
/etc (application certificates and configurations for www server applications)
Support Contracts
- SourceLabs: SASHServer
- Maven: Standard automated deployment configuration
- OS: Disparity between RHEL 3/4/5 and a requirement to comply with the standards of different sections of IS&T.