1. Spillover Effect in Marine Protected Areas
2. Plan for China
- Poverty reduction combined with
3. Natural selection: Aquaculture and bioengineered fish
- Engineer fish that consume fish more efficiently, can't defend themselves
- Don't use engineer fish
3a. How will engineered fish who can't defend themselves work?
4. Flag hopping?
- Threat to international fishing and not domestic
5. International water regulations? How does that effect
6. What is the earth's carrying capacity for humans? What's the earth's response to that?
- Carrying capacity is correlated to consumption
7. How have the powerful countries in the world reacted to UN treaties that restrict economic growth (biological weapons and Kyoto protocols)?
- Education is part of the plan--encourage people to follow our plan because it's the best thing for everyone
8. How do you regulate man-powered fishing (people who aren't using advanced technology)?
- Lower licensing fees for those who use less efficient fishing (hand fishing, man-powered boats, etc.)
- Don't subsidize the creation of more sophisticated fishing technology
8a. Do you regulate hand-line fishing?
- No, because it isn't harming the ecosystem
9. How would you implement fish consumption?
- Fair trade fish (sustainably acquired fish)
- Ad campaigns: how you can get benefits from fish elsewhere