Gels from yesterday:
Looks like:
Cofilin 1, 3, 4, 5 worked, need to do another digest.
LilrB2:TCSG4 1, 4, 5 might have worked. Strange extra band on top. Will do different digest.
LilrB2: YFPL none worked. Will miniprep more.
PirB:TCSG4 none worked.
PirB:YFP none worked.
To Do:
- Miniprep all the things
- Digest a couple of things
- Inoculate midi for pEXPR_hEF1a:LilrB2
Running gels:
HP1, LT1(B), LT1(X), LT4(B), LT4(X), LT5(B), LT5(X), YC1, YC3, YC4, YC5, LT4(B)
Cofilin worked! Sending all 4 for sequencing, 'cuz PCRs and mutations, ya know?
LilrB2:TCSG4 did not work. Will have to miniprep more.