We'll work with organization in India, Chhattisgarh-based Jan Swashtya Sahayog, which serves rural populations in India’s poorest state. One of its founding physicians, the inspiring Yogesh Jain, and I have mapped out a fabulous opportunity for students.
You may have learned of JSS from their innovations with community health workers pioneering the ASHA village health worker model, now nationally scaled; their investment in training rural nurses; their focus on hunger, TB, surgery, NCDs (Yogesh Jain serves on the Lancet Commission on NCDs and poverty, and is hosting the Commission in Bilaspur soon), their chronic care innovations, and more; their pro-poor policy advocacy in the state of Chhattisgarh and more broadly, up to the Indian Supreme Court; their need-driven local appropriate technology innovations; or their collaboration with Thoughtworks on Bahmni, an open-source hospital system for healthcare providers.
Key materials for all students and key context on the organization and its setting is in this introductory folder: https://wwhttps://www.dropbox.com/sh/czqosgyhlo88r3a/AACn2NqJR-stirt9SqI9HPGRa?dl=0w.dropbox.com/sh/czqosgyhlo88r3a/AACn2NqJR-stirt9SqI9HPGRa?dl=0
Collected resources from courseteam and JSS materials for each team are here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/30rcugb4xu0wcya/AACslW2kJslGL2wuuu_5Zfkxa?dl=0 – personas are here too.
Extra resources on systems thinking, behavioral perspectives, design thinking are here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ifwo1mb7e8bbyip/AAD-8X8iXkR4Vs5xh4GPKUE_a?dl=0
youtube channel for students: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLiX56tFrfnrTUMgzZUSIPtnpBHteT8VX
Team rosters, team Meeting Schedule and Expert Bios: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1x2mZd0tEMHUcOXs82TUatGC4scSE7iwa5lKAQObBitI/edit?usp=sharing
JSS staff on your team calls and contact info: JSSTeamMemberProfilesMITConsultationMarch2016.pdf
In-class handouts: JSS MIT Consultation 2016 Key Questions.pdf and MIT-JSS innovation sprint for students.docx – latter includes our phone numbers. NB Anjali Sastry office is 617 253-0965, E62-433
Slides from intro class: Sastry JSS-MIT Day1 ClassSlides 16.03.14.pdf
Deliverables template: JSS-MIT Student deliverables template 16.03.14.ppt