Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin


Wiki Markup
h1. StageIt









Starting up the Prototype:

To view the webpage online, go to this link:




Supported platforms: Chrome or Safari on either Mac/PC.








  1. Create


  1. a


  1. semicircular


  1. stage.


  1. Start


  1. your


  1. first


  1. formation


  1. by


  1. naming


  1. it


  1. "Blues


  1. Enter."


  1. Add


  1. 5


  1. dancers


  1. to


  1. the


  1. stage


  1. as


  1. blue


  1. circles.


  1.  Move them to the center of the stage, in a single horizontal line.l


  1. line.


  1. Save


  1. the


  1. current


  1. formation


  1. and


  1. create


  1. create


  1. a


  1. new


  1. one


  1. ,


  1. with


  1. the


  1. same


  1. dancers


  1. on


  1. the


  1. stage.


  1.  Name this one "Greens


  1. Enter."


  1. Delete


  1. one


  1. of


  1. the


  1. blue


  1. dancers.


  1. Add


  1. 5


  1. more


  1. dancers


  1. to


  1. the


  1. stage


  1. as


  1. green


  1. circles.


  1. Move


  1. all


  1. dancers


  1. into


  1. 2


  1. horizontal


  1. lines


  1. -


  1. one


  1. with


  1. 4


  1. dancers


  1. and


  1. one


  1. with


  1. 5


  1. dancers


  1. -


  1. on


  1. the


  1. center


  1. of


  1. the


  1. stage.


  1. Add


  1. a


  1. prop


  1. chair


  1. to


  1. front


  1. left


  1. of


  1. the


  1. stage.


  1. Draw


  1. 2


  1. arrows


  1. on


  1. the


  1. stage,


  1. pointing


  1. outwards


  1. from


  1. the


  1. lines


  1. of


  1. dancers.


  1. Add


  1. notes


  1. to


  1. this


  1. formation,


  1. saying


  1. "Dancers


  1. follow


  1. the


  1. lines


  1. for


  1. the


  1. next


  1. movement."


  1. Save,


  1. then


  1. create


  1. next


  1. formation


  1. called


  1. "Finale."


  1. Move


  1. the


  1. rest


  1. of


  1. the


  1. blue


  1. dancers


  1. off-stage


  1. to


  1. stage


  1. left,


  1. and


  1. move


  1. remaining


  1. dancers


  1. into


  1. a


  1. big


  1. circle.












  1. Saving


  1. the


  1. current


  1. formation


  1. does


  1. not


  1. actually


  1. save


  1. it


  1. anywhere,


  1. since


  1. there


  1. is


  1. currently


  1. no


  1. backend


  1. in


  1. place.


  1. The


  1. "Arrange


  1. dancers"


  1. function


  1. is


  1. not


  1. fully


  1. implemented


  1. yet.


  2. The "Home",


  1. "Account",


  1. and


  1. "Project


  1. Home"


  1. links


  1. have


  1. not


  1. been


  1. implemented


  1. yet.


  1. Users


  1. cannot


  1. go


  1. back


  1. and


  1. visit


  1. previously


  1. made


  1. formations


  1. that


  1. are


  1. listed


  1. under


  1. the


  1. "Project"


  1. menu.
  2. Deleting formations has also not been implemented.