If you are unsure of what version of Ubuntu you have, the information is displayed in the same location in the System Monitor. Alternatively, type lsb_release -a
into the terminal.
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Get Java
You have a variety of installation options as explained here. I would recommend installing something through the terminal, as then you don't have to worry about bits and your java will automatically update through the package manager. Make sure you get the Java Development Kit (JDK) for Java 6 or greater.
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Get Eclipse
You can install Eclipse 3.7 through the package manager with the command sudo apt-get install eclipse
. In the past, there have been some advantages to using Sun's version on java instead of OpenJDK. Instructions to how to configure eclipse to use a certain version of Java can be found here, as well as instructions on how to do a user installation (not through the package manager). Again this is not recommended.
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Get Cplex
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For 32 bit Ubuntu, also select
To run the file, you first must make it executable. With a mouse, from the file browser, right click on the file, click Properties, click the Permissions tab, then check the Executable checkbox. From a terminal, simply go to the directory where the file is located, then type chmod a+x cplex_studio125.linux-x86-64.bin
. To run the file, from a terminal in the directory of the file, type sudo ./cplex_studio125.linux-x86-64.bin
. Be sure to run as root, otherwise you will not have permission to install in the default directory.
Note the directory of installation. The default on my machine was:
The sample code was stored at
C:\Users\Ross\My Documents\IBM\ILOG\CPLEX_Studio125
Be sure to select the checkbox for Update path. When the download finishes, you do not need to open Cplex studio or the readme.