- We added an arrow to displayed timers to indicate an “editable” affordance.
- We pre-filled the AM/PM drop-down menu with a value.
- Since clicking the calendar icon and clicking the date textbox have the same effect, we removed the calendar icon. The date can still be entered manually in the textbox while the calendar is open.
- Modified tasks to specify that Ronald Reagan’s email is rreagan@mit.edu
- Pre-fill time/date textboxes with a default time (ie. current time/date)
- Changed “Pending” text to “Unconfirmed Timers From Your Contacts”
- Changed “Edit” to “Edit/Share”
- On the “List of Timers” screen, replaced “Now” with today’s date and time to make it more clear that it’s a timeline
- Removed “Add” button, so users add a contact by autocomplete
- Add text “Contact Added Successfully” upon adding a contact to provide feedback.
Initial design before user testing
Final user design, after three tests
Default main page
Add contact dialog
Confirmation of action
Create/Edit timer window
Interface to view all contacts and choose who to share with
Default page after three iterations, with a timer