- sponsor update ITSM IT Service Management Sponsor Meetings
- requirements document review by 1/27/11 IST Service Portfolio Requirements.doc
- information architecture (data structure) IS&T Service Portfolio Data Dictionary (Serce Management Glossary of Terms)
- Pat, Oliver and Alex will brainstorm next week
- facilitate 1-2 working group sessions with the team to define
- define data structure in phases
- vehicle/technology
- Steve will investigate wikis (w/ scaffolding) vs drupal vs recommendations from DCAD
- pilot and report back 2/16
- procedures to be defined Distributed Software Lifecycle Process Models
- Chris and Garry will draft process for following:
- distributed software acquisition
- triage (problem/response)
- retirement of a service
- updating Portfolio and Catalog will be worked into each of these processes
- Chris and Garry will draft process for following: