h2. Part B
Suppose a 10 kg cubic box is at rest on a horizontal surface. There is friction between the box and the surface characterized by a coefficient of static friction equal to 0.50. If one person pushes on the box with a force _F _~1~ 1 of 25 N directed due north and a second person pushes on the box with a force _F _~2~ 2 = 25 N directed due east, what is the magnitude and direction of the force of static friction acting on the box?
h4. Solution
{Solution:=} * System: Interactions: Cloak |
| External influences from the earth (gravity) the surface (normal force and friction) and the two people (applied forces). | Model: Approach: Diagrammatic Representation To determine the force of static friction, we first find the net force in the absence of friction. We first draw the situation. A top view (physical representation) and a side view (partial free body diagram) of the box ignoring any contribution from friction are shown here. Image Added Mathematical Representation The net force parallel to the surface in the absence of friction is then: Latex |
* {cloak:id=sysb}Box as [point particle].{cloak}
{toggle-cloak:id=intb} *Interactions:* {cloak:id=intb}External influences from the earth (gravity) the surface (normal force and friction) and the two people (applied forces).{cloak}
{toggle-cloak:id=modb} *Model:* {cloak:id=modb}[Point Particle Dynamics].{cloak}
{toggle-cloak:id=appb} *Approach:*
{toggle-cloak:id=diagb} {color:red} *Diagrammatic Representation* {color}
To determine the force of static friction, we first find the net force _in the absence of friction_. We first draw the situation. A top view (physical representation) and a side view (partial free body diagram) of the box _ignoring any contribution from friction_ are shown here.
{toggle-cloak:id=mathb} {color:red} *Mathematical Representation* {color}
The net force parallel to the surface in the absence of friction is then:
{latex}\begin{large}\[ \sum_{F \ne F_{f}} F_{x} = F_{2} = \mbox{25 N} \]
\[\sum_{F \ne F_{f}} F_{y} = F_{1} = \mbox{25 N} \]\end{large}{latex}
In order to prevent the box from moving, then, static friction would have to satisfy:
{ Latex |
}\begin{large}\[ F_{s} = - \mbox{25 N }\hat{x} - \mbox{25 N }\hat{y} = \mbox{35.4 N at 45}^{\circ}\mbox{ S of W}.\]\end{large}{latex}
{warning} | Warning |
We're not finished yet! {warning}
We must now check that this needed friction force is compatible with the static friction limit. Newton's 2nd Law for the _z _ direction tells us:
{ Latex |
}\begin{large}\[ \sum F_{z} = N - mg = ma_{z}\]\end{large}{latex}
{note} | Note |
Note that friction from an xy surface cannot act in the z direction. |
We know that the box will remain on the surface, so az = 0. Thus, Latex |
Note that friction from an _xy_ surface cannot act in the _z_ direction.{note}
We know that the box will remain on the surface, so _a_~z~ = 0. Thus,
{latex}\begin{large}\[ N = mg = \mbox{98 N}\]\end{large}{latex}
With this information, we can evaluate the limit:
{ Latex |
}\begin{large}\[ F_{s} \le \mu_{s} N = \mbox{49 N} \]\end{large}{latex}
| Since 35.4 N < 49 N, we conclude that the friction force is indeed 35.4 N at 45° S of W. Cloak |
| at 45° S of W.
| |