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1. MIT Open User Stories (in Journey Format):

In October 2017, we developed a set of user stories, and plotted them along a user journey.

2. MIT Open Strategy / User Story Deck:

This is the deck detailing the early experience strategy for MIT Open. It's based on the idea of creating three core user stories that we're desiging around: Visitor, Member, Curator.



3. Advisory Group Notes: 

We met with various members of the MIT Open advisory group. We shared our early Experience Strategy deck and solicited feedback


24. Prototypes for 1/25 Concept Validation session - MIT only:

This was for the first round of testing, based on the Testing Script we developed as a team. We tested these designs on a set of randomly recruited people from Infinite Corridor


35. Conclusions from 1/25 Session:

These are the conclusions following our first round of validation testing.


4. MIT Open Strategy / User Story Deck: MITOpen_StoryDeck_101317.pdf

6. High Level Specification (2/7):

 We began to set down some product principles and specifications

5. MIT Open User Stories: High


7. Prototypes for 2/22 DLL Session

Based on conclusions and further dialogue around the 1/25 session, this is an updated set of prototype pages, focusing on Home, Theme Page, Detail Page, and Search Results


8. Conclusions from 2/22 DLL Session:

On 2/22, we presented the prototypes to DLL's and got their feedback. The key takeaways from that meeting are recorded here. 

Level Specification (2/7):


9. MIT Open User Stories (as Dev Table):

 In February, we narrowed down to an MVP set of stories

 7. Pattern Library (2/7): MIT Open Design Patterns.pdf

Pattern Library

nameMIT Open Design Patterns.pdf
