Two team meetings for the members, invited scientists, and junior scholars will be held to review progress and present new results, and to facilitate intensive discussion.
- Initial discussions discussion on collaboration plans will take place during the 9th international workshop on long-term changes and trends in the atmosphere, to be held September 19-23, 2016 (Germany) where most team members will attend.
- ISSI Bern meeting, tentative May 1-5, 2017. We will review prior results in members’ expertise areas. We will discuss possible clues that may help answer those challenging questions regarding upper atmospheric long-term trends. We will discuss contributions individual members will have to make for research plans prior to the next meeting and for the success of the project.
- ISSI Beijing meeting, tentative May 2018. This meeting will take place prior to the biannual international workshop on long-term changes and trends in the atmosphere (expected to be held June-September, 2018). In this team meeting, we will address the scientific questions proposed and identified in the previous meeting. For this Beijing meeting, we plan to invite 2-3 self-supported scientists (mostly from China) to participate our activities.
- Between these planned meetings, the team members will work on their assignments and keep in touch via email and teleconf. Some of the members will meet during other professional meetings for further discussion and communication.