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 Name / Recording date/timePriorityVideosTranscriptsInterviewee Review & Sign offFirst CutFirst Cut NotesFinal VersionFinal Subtitle/transcriptionGeneral Notes

Ian Condry

Dec 22,2016


(tick)Added to dropbox

Ready to be transcribed

(tick)Marked up

(tick)Markups approved by team

Ready to be video edited


(tick) Completed by Jean




  1. Note break changes in red:

1. (Intro – no titling) (0:00 to 0:40) ** Change to 0:00 to 1:40 (the break is interrupting the segment)
2. Climate change and economics (0:40 – 3:15) ** Change to 1:40 - 3:15
3. Education for social change (3:15 – 3:50)
4. What can I do? (3:50 – 4:24)


Dropbox Link

(tick) Uploaded

We are finalizing our approach on slates...and when we get that nailed, we'll make final edits to this one. 3/9

Video consent email sent 5/5...waiting for response before publishing

Consent approved to publish 5/5


Susan Murcott and Julie Simpson

Jan 5,2017


(tick) Added to dropbox

Ready to be transcribed

Transcript 37

Transcript 39

Transcript 40

Transcript 41

Markups: Curt - but look again for snips


Suggested segments if a full video was produced

  1. Water and Climate Change
  2. Water, Conflict, and Cooperation
  3. The Water and Climate Change Class

Curt doesn't find any useful footage in videos 40 and 41

  No longer producing these videos as of 5/12.

Amy Smith

Jan 5,2017


(tick) Added to dropbox

Ready to be transcribed

(tick) Marked up by team

Submitted for video edit 5/12

 Completed by Jean 5/22 Dropbox Link  

Final Version Completed by Jean 6/22

Dropbox Link


Waiting on SME's final approval due 6/9 > then will send to Amy for consent.

Submitted to Jean for final edits on 6/14 > due 6/16, then sending to Amy for approval.

Sent to Amy for approval on 6/16 > Nancy Adams will give approval on 6/19



Travis Franck

Jan 11,2017


(tick) Added to dropbox

Ready to be transcribed

(tick) Marked up by team

Submitted for video edit 5/12

Completed by Jean 5/22

Completed by Jean 6/6

Dropbox Link

(tick) Uploaded

Haven't received full consent from Travis, but Mark wrote a note to him that it was posting and to reach out if any questions.  

David Miller

Jan 17,2017


(tick) Added to dropbox

Ready to be transcribed

(tick) Marked up and approved by team

Ready to be video edited 

Sign off requested by interviewee

footage and proposed cuts sent 2/8




3/9/17: Jean – please edit the first cut as follows:

1) Intro – no titling

3:36 – 4:21

2) The Making of a Clean Energy Investor

0:00 –0:42, through “clean energy seemed like the place to go THEN ADD missing segment, for continuity – on the original, roughly 2:41-2:58, “Some of the folks I was talking to at MIT said….policy PhD program”

0:42 – 0:58 “Ended up working w Sterman, Sys Dynamics” – include about 10 sec more of the original clip, through “influences their rate of growth”. While this Sterman/System Dynamics clip plays, cut in attached screenshot

3) Clean Energy Venture Group

0:58 – 2:10

4) Better Climate, Better Business

Rearrange these segments into the following a,b,c sequence.

(a) 2:10-2:36 : “When we invest, a critical question…” through “…make a difference w.r.t. climate?”

(b) 3:08 – 3:35: “There’s going to be no rescue…” through “…can be scaled and deployed.”

(c) 2:37–3:07: “We're looking at companies that are obviously scaling…” through “…That’s what we’re looking to do”

Dropbox Link

(tick) Uploaded

Video consent email sent 5/5...waiting for response before publishing

Approved for publishing on 5/8. But also noted the following:

However, I worry that some of the cuts may have removed key context and the video may be a bit hard to understand.    For example, towards the end, I say “we’re going to accomplish both in spades”, but the part where I had talked about the two things we’re trying to accomplish (impact on climate and having a great investment multiple) was removed.    Also, for my background, it cuts from my starting a company to going back to MIT and continuing investing, skipping what happened to the company and how and when I started investing, which, again, I’d imagine can be confusing to a viewer….


There were other parts of the interview that were highlighted in the transcript and I think provided helpful context that weren’t included, but for some of those, I could see there’s a tradeoff between length of the video and providing the context.  


Maybe have two versions – the thumbnail, and one with more context?


And I say “umm” way too often! (smile)


Professor Eltahir

Jan 25,2017


(tick) Added to dropbox

Ready to be transcribed

(tick) Marked up and approved by team

Ready to be video edited - but HOLD due to priority

Sign off requested by interviewee

footage and proposed cuts sent 2/8

(tick) First cut completed 2/21

BUT we are pausing further production on this one, pending completion of other higher priority videos.

Suggested final cuts and titling to the First Cut (not yet submitted to Jean)

  1. Climate Change is a Game Changer 2:06 – 2:31
  2. Understanding Regional Impacts of Global Changes 0:05 – 0:55
  3. The Challenge of Regional Adaptation: 1:35 – 2:05
  4. A Call to Young People 2:31 – 3:10

Dropbox Link


Final: Dropbox link

(tick) Uploaded


Video consent email sent 5/5...waiting for response before publishing.

Response asked for a few minor edits. Note sent to Jean on 5/5.

Final approved by Eltahir on 5/12.


Julie Simpson

Jan 25,2017


(tick) Added to dropbox

Ready to be transcribed

Transcript 83

Transcript 84

Markups: Curt, Rajesh

Ready forfirstcut. 

3/9/17: Jean – the transcripts have been marked up. Ready for first cut

 Suggested segments (if we produce full thing)

  1. (Intro – no the markup we label it: Plants, Coastlines, and Climate)
  2. Engaging Students with Real-World Projects
  3. Coastal Ecology and Carbon Sequestration
Dropbox Link

Julie approved final video on 5/17 with consent to post.

Submitted to 3play for final transcription and subtitles on 5/17.

8.Jennifer Ballensnip

(tick) Added to dropbox

Ready to be transcribed

Transcript 85   V2: Dropbox Link


Publishing 7/18


9.Arun Singhsnip

(tick) Added to dropbox

Ready to be transcribed

IMG_0117 only!

Transcript 117   

V1: Dropbox Link

FINAL: Dropbox Link

Published on 6/25

(tick) Uploaded

Curt transcript comments due 6/14

Jean 1st cut due 6/30


10.Josué Lopez1

(tick) Added to dropbox

Ready to be transcribed

Transcript 120

Curt, Rajesh, Dave reviewed,

Sign off requested by interviewee 

3/9/17: Jean – the transcripts have been marked up. Ready for the first cut

 Suggested segments:

1) (Intro - no titling)
2) Creating a Forum on Equity and Justice
3) Engineering Education Needs Ethics
4) Advice to Youth 

V1:Dropbox Link

V2:Dropbox Link

V3: Dropbox link


(tick) Uploaded

Video consent email sent 5/5...waiting for response before publishing

Consent approved to publish 5/5

11.Dan Tefftdefer        
12.Mark Trexler


13.Larry Susskind2

(tick) Added to dropbox


Transcript 122

Dave reviewed - bold font=keep

Curt reviewed 3/7

(tick)SME approved

Sign off requested by intervieweeFirst cut completed on 6/8 Final Dropbox

Submitted for video edit 5/26

SME video comments due 6/20

Larry approved video – but needs title slate edited.

Ready to publish as of 6/30


14.Kerry Emanuelsnip

(tick) Added to dropbox

Ready to be transcribed

Transcript 121Sign off requested by interviewee  

V1: Dropbox Link

Final: Climate Science and Society

Final: Climate Science Overview

Emanuel approved to post on 7/25

1273 Kerry_Emanuel_Climate Science

1273 Kerry_Emanuel_Climate Science and

‘See Also’:
12.340x Global Warming Science, an MITx course on edX


15Valerie Karplus2

(tick) Added to dropbox



(tick)Marked up and approved by team   

v2: Dropbox Link (5/9)

v3: Dropbox Link (5/11)

v3 Video approved by SME's 5/18

Consent email sent to Valerie on 5/19...follow up email sent on 5/23. Consent approved on 5/23 and submitted for subtitling.

Considering adding animation slate to beginning of video.


 Carbon Pricing Video      Dropbox 
16Maria Zuber1

(tick) Added to dropbox

Ready to be transcribed

Transcript 124

Curt, Rajesh reviewed; Tom Kiley approved

2nd version ready as of 5/1


3/16/17: Jean – the transcripts have been marked up and approved. Ready for the first cut

Suggestion for segments (labelled in transcripts):

1. Intro

2. Ethics and Policy Imperatives

3. MIT Climate Action

4. Engagement on Many Levels

V1:Dropbox Link

V2:Dropbox Link

(tick) Uploaded

Tom Kiley approved the recut
17Sarah Finnie Robisonsnip(tick)Added to Dropbox


(tick) SME approved

 3/8 - Rajesh will Postpone 

First Cut complete 6/2 Sent to SME's on 6/5 > comments due 6/16

Final: Dropbox Link

Submitted for video edit 5/26

SME video comments due 6/20

Jessika approved consent on 7/10

(tick)Uploaded 7/11