Date | Level | We in? | Drop Date | Where | Tourney | Teams | Actions/Results | ||
20 Oct | C | yes | - | Darcy Wanger | Courtney Schmitt (S), Deb Liverman (OP), Karen Daniel (M), Priyanka Shome (M), Nil Gural (OH), Aleksya Aguirre (OH), Darcy Wanger (L) | Pool play: 4-6 against Shenanagins, Fusion, Six Pack, Fire & Ice, Ball Busters. | |||
26 Oct | C- | yes | - | Darcy Wanger | Darcy Wanger (S), Rachael Meehan (OP), Deb Liverman (M), Janine Claysmith (M), Jess Swallow (M), Weijia Zhang (OH), Katie Gohres (OH), Rosemary Kanasty (L) | Pool play: 6-2 against Volley Hard, AC Big Dogs, 2QAYL, Drama Queens | |||
2 Nov | B- | yes | 12 Oct | Darcy Duke | Darcy Duke, Paola Capellaro, Eva Novoa Pardo, Sarah Oberhelman, Allison Hamilos, Jody Fu | Pool play: 5-3 against Boom, Spiketown, Busted, Super Heroes | |||
24 Nov | B- | yes, ours | - | MIT | Lindsey Gilman | Lindsey Gilman, Paola Capellaro, Eva Novoa Pardo, Sarah Oberhelman, Allison Hamilos, Jody Fu, Priyanka Shome | Pool play: 5-3 against Spiketown, Super Heroes in Training, High Spirits, NWF | ||
24 Nov | C | yes, ours | - | MIT | Darcy Wanger | Team DarcyW: | Pool Play: | ||
7 Dec | C+ | yes | 15 Nov | WHC | Petra Lindovska | Petra Lindovska, Dalin Travilla, Kayla Ngan, Nil Gural, Darcy Duke, Justine McPartlan, Cindy Schmaedicke | Pool Play: 4-8 against Pink, Mine! Dig This, 5O, Six Pack and Boom (yes, 12 games of pool play!) | ||
14 Dec | C | yes | 29 Nov | Darcy Wanger | Shirley Galbiati, Deb Liverman, Justine McPartlan, Madonna Yoder, Janine Claysmith, Aleksya Aguirre, Darcy Wanger |
| |||
15 Dec | A/AA | yes, MIT men's club | - | MIT | Lindsey Gilman | Lindsey Gilman, Eva Novoa Pardo, Jody Fu, Sharon Hao, Jess Fessler, Kristine Bunker, Marti Borkent | Pool Play: 4-3 | ||
2 | B- | yes |
| LSHS | Lindsey | Lindsey Gilman, Jody Fu, Sharon Hao, Jess Fessler, Kristine Bunker, Marti Borkent, and Darcy Duke | Pool play: 4-4 | ||
23 Feb | B- | yes, ours |
| MIT | Lindsey Gilman | Lindsey Gilman, Sharon, Sarah OB, Jody Fu, Eva, Kristine | Pool Play: 5-3 | ||
23 Feb | B- | yes, ours |
| MIT | Dalin Travella | Dalin Travella - middle, Marti Borkent - middle, Jess Fessler - opposite, Andrea - setter, Phatty - outside, Petra - outside, Kristin Vicari - libero | Pool Play: 3-5 | ||
23 Feb | C | yes, ours |
| MIT | Sally Hudson | Sally Hudson, Deborah Liverman, Madonna Yoder, Kelly Wang, Justine McPartlan,Tobi Amos, Kate, Darcy Duke | Pool play: 3-5 against Hug It Out, Blockbusters, BVC, 6 Feet Under | ||
8 Mar | B- | yes | 14 Feb | Sarah Oberhelman | Lindsey Gilman, Eva Novoa, Jody, Phatty Arbuckle, Jess, Emma, Sarah Oberhelman | Pool play: 6-2 against Cape Oh My Cod!, Chewy Pong, Commando, V-Power | |||
8 Mar | C | yes | 14 Feb | Madonna Yoder | Andrea Gutierrez Marty, Madonna Yoder, Sally Hudson, Petra Lindovska, Rachael Meehan, Marti Borkent, Tobi Amos | Pool Play: 4-4 | |||
15 Mar | C- | yes | 28 Feb | Darcy Wanger , BLACK | Darcy Wanger (setter), Catherine Garrison (middle), Tobi Amos (middle), Rachael Meehan (outside), Helen Nie (outside), Allie S (opposite) | Pool Play: 2-6 | |||
15 March | C- | yes | 28 Feb | WNA | Madonna Yoder, | Madonna (setter), Jess Swallow (middle), Karen Daniel (middle), Weijia Zhang (outside), Katie Gohres (outside), Deb Liverman (opposite), Rose Kanasty (libero) | Pool Play: 4-4 | ||
12 April | A/AA | yes | MIT | Marti Borkent | Sharon Hao, Eva Maria Novoa Pardo, Sarah Oberhelman, Kristine Bunker, Jess Fessler, Jody Fu, Lindsey Gilman, Marti Borkent, Emma Gargus | Pool play: ? 3-5 against Decepticons, Team New England, Smaaaash, Swagger | |||
13 Apr | C+ | yes | 28 March | Kayla Ngan & Petra Lindovska | Kayla Ngan, Petra Lindovska, Darcy Duke, Andrea Gutierrez-Marty, Dalin Trivella, Bianca Migliori | Pool Play: 2-6 against Boom, Dig This, Impact, Fire and Ice | |||
20 Apr | C | yes | 4 April | Janine Claysmith | Justine McPartlan, Phatty Arbuckle, Andrea Gutierrez, Deb Liverman, Janine Claysmith, Aleksya Aguirre, Sally Hudson | Finished 3rd of 6 teams (accelerated format, no playoffs): 7-3 against Kill Envy, Little Piggies, Shanks & Giggles, 6 Feet Under, 6 Pack | |||
3 May | A/B coed triples | form your own team! |
| MIT |
| ||
10 May | B- | yes | 27 April | Eva Novoa | Lindsey Gilman, Sharon Hao, Eva Novoa, Jody Fu, Sarah Oberhelman, Jessica Fessler, Emma Gargus, Marti Borkent, Kayla Ngan |
| |||
10 May | C- | sent checkyes | 27 April | Deborah Liverman | Sally Hudson, Catherine Garrison, Rachel Meehan, Deborah Liverman, Karen Daniels, Ali Trueworthy (backup Madonna Yoder for Ali) |
| , Helen Nie | Pool Play: 6-2 vs. Spikeaholics, Itsy Bitsy Spikers, Show Me the Love, Ball Busters |
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Tournament Captain Responsibilities - ONE MONTH AWAY from Tournament:
- Submit the roster on the week of the tournament here (click on the date of the tournament; click on "Modify" to submit the roster; if needed, update the captain's info at the bottom of the form)
- Arrange car-pooling (note: directions to the tournament can be found here)
- Print out directions. or get a GPS. or get a smart phone.
- Set pick up times for the day of.
- Decide how many jerseys you need and what sizes you should get.
- IMPORTANT: Fill out the club sports travel itinerary: http://mitclubsports.weebly.com/travel.html. Submit to csc-travelroster@mit.edu.
Tournament Captain Responsibilities - TWO DAYS BEFORE the Tournament:
- Go in the team locker and get the following items:
- 3-4 balls and a bag to bring them to your tournament
- The uniforms for your team. The gym does not open until 9am on Sundays so get them before that morning!!!
- Email your teammates incessantly about pick-up times, money, etc.
- Collect $5 from MIT students and $10 from all others; collect dues if a player hasn't paid yet (either $20 or $25 depending on if the player signed up online or not)- give $ to Vicky Gong (vickyg@mit.edu) (remind players ahead of time to bring $, since u-grads often seem to come with none!)
- DON'T FORGET OR THE CLUB GETS FINED!!: Fill out the club sports travel itinerary: http://mitclubsports.weebly.com/travel.html. Submit to csc-travelroster@mit.edu.
Tournament Captain Responsibilities - DAY OF the Tournament:
- Give the envelope to Victoria Gong. Also let her know of all reimbursements. Provide a hardcopy of the receipt as well as an electronic version sent to vickyg@mit.edu
- Wash uniforms after tournament and return uniforms to locker - please have just one person take care of this, otherwise uniforms tend to disappear!
- Put the balls back in the locker.
- Update this page with your team's record and who you played. Any notes on how the day went. We use this information to brag about you at team announcements!
- Fill out the club sports post-event form to provide them with some of the highlights. This will help our club get good standing with the people that give us money for funding!
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Instructions for Renting a Car (or 7-passenger minivan)