Navier-Stokes NACA Regression Tests
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title | General Case Information |
| Flow Parameters- - Freestream Mach number: M ∞ =
| ?? - ?? ° - Reynolds Number: Re = ?? |
- 0 °
- Total pressure: Pt =
- Total temperature: Tt =
- Static temperature:
- CFL: 1030
- Common solver parameters:
- Equation Set: NavierStokes2d
- Preconditioning:
- Outer GMRES iterations (no. restarts): 20
- Inner GMRES iterations (no. Krylov vectors): 200
- Nonlinear Solver = Newton
- PSequencing: False
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title | Input Primal X-Momentum: |
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title | Create Initial Input Test |
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title | +Make Naca NavierStokes2S + |
| Job File: make_naca_NavierStokes2d_TEST.job.job - General Case Information
- Basis Type: Hierarchical
- SolutionOrder: 1
- Linear Solver Information
- Preconditioner: ILU
- Preconditioner Side: Left
- Reordering type: MDF
- Viscous Discretization
- Type: Second Discretization of Bassi and Rebay (BR2)
- Auxiliary Variable: Hybrid
- Adaptation Information
- Type: Direct adaptation based on local solves (Direct)
- Adaptation Variable: Drag
- General Case Information
- Basis Type: Hierarchical
- SolutionOrder: 2
- Linear Solver Information
- Preconditioner: Incomplete LU
- Preconditioner Side: Left
- Reordering type: MDF
* - General Case Information
- Basis Type: Hierarchical
- SolutionOrder: 2
- Linear Solver Information
- Preconditioner: Threshold-based Incomplete LU (ILUT)
- Preconditioner Side: Left
- Reordering type: MDF
- Drop threshold: 10 -6
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title | Viscous Discretization Tests |
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title | +Viscous Discretization (BR2) - Flux Coefficient+ |
| Job File: naca_NavierStokes2d_AuxVariable_FluxCoeff_TEST.job - General Case Information
- Basis Type: Hierarchical
- SolutionOrder: 2
- Linear Solver Information
- Preconditioner: Incomplete LU
- Preconditioner Side: Left
- Reordering type: MDF
- Viscous Discretization
- Type: Second Discretization of Bassi and Rebay (BR2)
- Auxiliary Variable: Flux Coefficient
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title | +Viscous Discretization (BR2) - Gradient+ |
| Job File: naca_NavierStokes2d_AuxVariable_Gradient_TEST.job - General Case Information
- Basis Type: Hierarchical
- SolutionOrder: 1
- Linear Solver Information
- Preconditioner: Incomplete LU
- Preconditioner Side: Left
- Reordering type: MDF
- Viscous Discretization
- Type: Second Discretization of Bassi and Rebay (BR2)
- Auxiliary Variable: Gradient
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title | +Unified Adaptation+ |
| Job File: naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST.job - General Case Information
- Basis Type: Lagrange
- SolutionOrder: 2
- Linear Solver Information
- Preconditioner: UMFPACK
- Preconditioner Side: Left
- Reordering type: MDF
- Viscous Discretization
- Type: Second Discretization of Bassi and Rebay (BR2)
- Auxiliary Variable: Hybrid
- Adaptation Information
- Type: Direct adaptation based on local solves (Direct)
- Adaptation Variable: Drag