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Term Jobs will vary a lot from year to year and even term to term. Below is a list of term jobs we have had.

  1. Archivist
  2. Art CoordinatorClass Coordinator
  3. Sandwich (Board) Artist
  4. Social Media Master
  5. Blood Manager
  6. Costume Manager
  7. Director Choice Coordinator
  8. Event Coordinator
  9. Finance Assistant
  10. Food Manager
  11. Historian
  12. IAP Show Coordinator
  13. Lighting Equipment Manager
  14. Memory Master
  15. Meta-Master (chair’s assistant)
  16. Office Clean Coordinator
  17. Paint and Tools Manager
  18. Play Choice Coordinator
  19. Props Manager
  20. Retreat Coordinator
  21. Set Shop Manager
  22. Social Media Master
  23. Sound Equipment Manager
  24. Costume Minion
  25. Lighting Equipment Manager
  26. Office Master/Office Clean Coordinator
  27. Paint Manager
  28. Tool Manager
  29. Tool Purchaser
  30. Printer Master
  31. Props Manager
  32. Props Minion
  33. Set Shop Manager
  34. Sewing Supply Manager
  35. Sound Equipment Manager
  36. Director Choice Coordinator
  37. Play Choice Coordinator
  38. IAP/Summer Show Coordinator
  39. IAP/Summer Show Location Assessor
  40. Class Coordinator
  41. Event Coordinator
  42. Finance Assistant/RFP Consultant
  43. Meta-Master (Chair's Assistant)
  44. Food Manager
  45. Archivist
  46. Historian
  47. Memory Master (Photo/Video)
  48. Summer Show Coordinator
  49. Video Coordinator
  50. Webmaster
  51. Wiki Master
  52. Retreat Coordinator
  53. Swag Designer
  54. Swag Master

Not all of these have wiki pages, as some jobs are relatively self-explanatory. Contact the officers if you are ever confused about your term job.