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GR3 - Paper Prototyping

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1. Title Page 2. Create Account 3. Empty Home Page 4. Search for a Cause 5. Cause Mission Page 6. Donate to a Cause 7. Add Billing Info 8. Updated Home Page 9. Share via Email 10. Log into Facebook 11. Share via Facebook


Create a Donate2Us account: set up an account with a username and password
Search for a Cause: search for charity you want to support
Donate to a Cause: donate money to a cause
Add Billing Info: add a credit card to charge
Create a Cause: create your own cause with a mission statement and description
Share with Friends: share your cause with your friends via facebook or email


We introduced Donate2Us as a mobile application that allows fundraisers or student groups to create and spread the word about their causes. We explained that users can create, join a cause, share, and donate to causes. We told them that this applications is similar to Causes on Facebook but geared towards mobile platforms.


  • There is a loophole in the design - user can create an account, join a case, then donate without credit card information entered. There is no requirements for users to have credit card information in the database before donating.
  • Users should be able to deselect a check box that would not save their credit card information if they don't want that saved.
  • To start joining a cause, some users take relatively a bit longer time to realize that they have to search for a cause first using the search bar at the bottom.
  • Some users think that the search bar is quite confusing; it should be clarified that is the searching applied for just causes on the user’s profile, or causes in the entire database.
  • A user thought that the “Create Account” option on the login page was a text instead of a link to create account.
  • When sharing a cause to friends, a user commented that if he wants to share via Facebook, he would want to put in a message and have a clarification on where his message will go (whether it will be posted on his page or on all his friends’ pages).
  • The same user also pointed out that perhaps we need a login page for Facebook if we want to share the message via Facebook (when designed, we just assumed that the users are already logged in with Facebook on his/her phone).
  • After donating, the app has an optional field that says “Message:” Some users wanted to fill in but were hesitant because they were not sure who his message would be sent to (whether it is to the owner of the cause, or it will publish something on his Facebook page.
  • All users have no problem with creating a cause.
  • Most commented that the app is overall self-explanatory and user-friendly enough.
